How To Lose Weight With Chia Seeds - 5 kg
hey guys! I am Nisa Homey and the welcome back to my channel today I am sharing achia pudding smoothie which you can have for breakfast or lunch. it is a fillingprotein rich smoothie packed with omega 3s and will keep you fuller for alonger time and thus helps in weight loss and weight management. did you knowthat chia seeds are a complete source of protein?they contain 20% more protein than any other seed. chia seeds are 60% omega 3fatty acids. omega-3 fatty as it helps improve free testosterone and insulinsensitivity. so if you have health issues like PCOS, thyroid, or diabetes thenadding chia seeds in your diet will help to manage your health issues. one servingof these gluten-free and vegan seeds contains more calcium than milk, moreantioxidants than blueberries, and three times more iron than spinach.
they alsohave potassium than bananas. chia seeds bulk up your meals as they expand whichin turn helps you to eat less and remain full longer. the high vitamin E contentin chia seeds helps to reduce inflammation, helps to lose weight, andhas been shown to improve symptoms of PCOS and thyroid. when digested chiaseeds form a gelatin like substance in the stomach due to their soluble fibrecontent. this gelatin works to restore the probiotic balance in the gut whichin turn leads to a healthier digestive systemI have already shared a video on the health benefits of chia seeds the linkwill be updated in the description box so please do check it out. to make thischia pudding smoothie first you need to make chia pudding and for that into asmall bowl I am adding in 2 tbsp chia seeds. give this a mix just to make surethat they are not clumped together. add in 1/2 cup fresh coconut milk.
I have already shared a video on how to make fresh coconut milk at home the linkwill be updated in the description box so please do check it outsince chia seeds has a tendency to clump together make sure you mix it reallywell. I'm using coconut milk in this recipe as it is easily available here inKerala and it is inexpensive also. you can use anydairy or non-dairy milk of your choice keep this in the refrigerator for at least4 hours or you can do this at night and keep it overnight in the refrigerator. soafter about 4 hours this is how it looks. the seed has swelled up and it hasthickened. chia seeds has protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids. all these areessential nutrients required to speed up the metabolism. chia seeds also helps tokeep your blood sugar levels stable. now to make the smoothie into my blender Iam adding in 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, add in 1/2 cup water, 1 cup fresh mangochopped, 1 tbsp flax seeds and blend all these on high speed until everything isnicely mixed and combined.
now let's assemble the chia pudding smoothie intoa large serving glass spoon in the chia seed pudding and then pour in the mangopineapple smoothie lastly topic with 2 tbsp homemadegranola the link for the granola recipe will be updated in the description boxbelow so please do check it out. this chia pudding smoothie is a complete mealwhich you can have it for breakfast or as a post-workout smoothie or for lunchso do try this protein and fiber rich chia pudding smoothie and let me knowhow it turned out. don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channelfor more healthy recipes thank you for watching and until next time take carebye bye
they alsohave potassium than bananas. chia seeds bulk up your meals as they expand whichin turn helps you to eat less and remain full longer. the high vitamin E contentin chia seeds helps to reduce inflammation, helps to lose weight, andhas been shown to improve symptoms of PCOS and thyroid. when digested chiaseeds form a gelatin like substance in the stomach due to their soluble fibrecontent. this gelatin works to restore the probiotic balance in the gut whichin turn leads to a healthier digestive systemI have already shared a video on the health benefits of chia seeds the linkwill be updated in the description box so please do check it out. to make thischia pudding smoothie first you need to make chia pudding and for that into asmall bowl I am adding in 2 tbsp chia seeds. give this a mix just to make surethat they are not clumped together. add in 1/2 cup fresh coconut milk.
I have already shared a video on how to make fresh coconut milk at home the linkwill be updated in the description box so please do check it outsince chia seeds has a tendency to clump together make sure you mix it reallywell. I'm using coconut milk in this recipe as it is easily available here inKerala and it is inexpensive also. you can use anydairy or non-dairy milk of your choice keep this in the refrigerator for at least4 hours or you can do this at night and keep it overnight in the refrigerator. soafter about 4 hours this is how it looks. the seed has swelled up and it hasthickened. chia seeds has protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids. all these areessential nutrients required to speed up the metabolism. chia seeds also helps tokeep your blood sugar levels stable. now to make the smoothie into my blender Iam adding in 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, add in 1/2 cup water, 1 cup fresh mangochopped, 1 tbsp flax seeds and blend all these on high speed until everything isnicely mixed and combined.
now let's assemble the chia pudding smoothie intoa large serving glass spoon in the chia seed pudding and then pour in the mangopineapple smoothie lastly topic with 2 tbsp homemadegranola the link for the granola recipe will be updated in the description boxbelow so please do check it out. this chia pudding smoothie is a complete mealwhich you can have it for breakfast or as a post-workout smoothie or for lunchso do try this protein and fiber rich chia pudding smoothie and let me knowhow it turned out. don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channelfor more healthy recipes thank you for watching and until next time take carebye bye
How To Lose Weight With Chia Seeds - 5 kg
Reviewed by Amazing
8:30 PM

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